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Saturday, March 7, 2009

new layout...
love it? hate it?
i need to update you guys on my life! hahaa. haven't done this before.
just thought you guys deserved an update!

well... boys will be boys-- i guess. haha. the boy i was "with" kindaishnotexactly its hard to explain, turned out to only want to do only do one thing with me... and im sure you guys can figure what that one thing is :P. hahahahaha. im not exactly looking for a boyfriend right now, because it always ends up in drama. and i dont need more of that.
ahhh i love my besties! they are like sisters to me. im helping one of my besties out actually at the moment because she is suffering from a boyfriend breakup :/.  his loss! but my friends - they are amazing. 
justtt delightful. the new york state math exam is monday and tuesday. :*( we have done like 17 packets for review so far, and its pretty much tiring me out. i am getting piles of work, and im like exhausted from it all.
time change
most def. not excited for this guys... "spring ahead, fall back" AAHHH. this means we lose one hour of sleep!!!! dont be excited everyone... BUT on the brighter side [literally], it will get darker around 6-7 pm here! waahooo! haha. 

sooo ill talk to you guys laterr xo.